About Our Firm
This purpose is accomplished by providing investment counsel on a fee basis (no commissions are earned by the firm from the purchase or sale of any securities). This allows the firm to provide objective advice free from potential conflicts of interest that arise from earning commissions.
Summary Profile and Unique Distinctives
- George M. Hiller, JD, LLM, MBA, CFP® – two law degrees including a graduate law degree in taxation, masters of business administration in finance, undergraduate degree in business management, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner, with over 30 years direct experience in financial planning and investment management. Mr Hiller served as a board member of the Christian Financial Planning Institute.
- The George M. Hiller Companies is a nationally recognized fee only investment management and financial planning firm. The firm does not receive commissions on any investment or insurance products, or any securities transactions.
- The majority of our client assets are held in custody with Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., the largest discount broker in America.
- The firm’s commitment to excellence is based on the following: (1) using state-of-the-art technology to better serve clients; (2) very high personal service and attention to clients, and; (3) professional and objective counsel in financial planning and investment management.
- The vision of the George M. Hiller Companies is to be one the finest investment management and financial planning firms in the United States.
- We serve many clients who seek to have assistance, counsel and a professional relationship with a fee-only financial advisor.
About George M. Hiller Companies, LLC
The George M. Hiller Companies are a nationally recognized financial services group offering high quality financial and investment advisory services to its clients. The purpose of the firm is to provide services that improve the financial condition of the clients it serves.
This purpose is accomplished by providing investment counsel on a fee basis (no commissions are earned by the firm from the purchase or sale of any securities). This allows the firm to provide objective advice free from potential conflicts of interest that arise from earning commissions. more...
George M. Hiller Companies LLC
1110 Monarch Plaza
3414 Peachtree Rd. NE
Atlanta, GA 30326
© Copyright 2024 George M. Hiller Companies, LLC. All rights reserved